The Boortean Embassy Literary Salon’s First Reading!

On August 3, from 10:00am (PST) until the portal closes, The Boortean Embassy’s next literary salon will include a poetry and drabble reading!

Sozar! It’s time to search the mind grid for your scifaiku (and related forms) and drabbles to read during the salon! Inspire and be inspired! Talk shop. Bring a poem or drabble for feedback. . .

Most importantly. . .bring yourself and a few friends!

Want to know more?

Then contact me via the form below or at Reserve your free ticket yesterday!

Humbly Yours,

The Boortean Ambassador to Haura

Two Days Remaining. . .

to sign up for The Boortean Embassy’s “Scifaiku & Related Forms” Poetry Workshop!

When: Saturday, July 26 from 12:00-3:00pm (PST).

Where: The Boortean Embassy via

Who: You and other  like-minded poets as well as those who are interested in exploring poems that are out of this galaxy!

The cost for this workshop is $75.00 paid via paypal. Bring two friends, and your ticket is free!

Contact YT, The Boortean Ambassador, at or 619-269-0706 to reserve your spot through the portal!


Last Call for July 26th Poetry Workshop!

When: Saturday, July 26th, from 12:00pm-3:00pm (PST).

Where: The Boortean Embassy via, a most excellent audio-visual platform with free download. All you have to do is click on the link, and you will be whooshed through the portal faster than you can translate a scifaiku into Boortean!

What: Scifaiku and related forms poetry writing workshop with awesome poets, writing resources, market lists – and more!

How: Contact me at or 619.269.0706 to reserve your spot!

Cost: $75.00 Hauran for a three-hour workshop! Bring two friends, and your ticket is free! (payable via Paypal)

Reserve your spot now by contacting The Boortean Ambassador or other Embassy Staff at, (619) 269-0706, or


On Rejection. . .

I just received my first rejection for Walks-with-Two-Spirits. 

Was I expecting said rejection?


Do I understand why it was rejected?


Furthermore, said rejection was a gift as the publisher took the time to provide honest commentary. While he et al shall remain nameless, I want him et al to know that I appreciate their time and effort.

While waiting to hear back, I read and re-read the novel. Noticed several gaps. Noticed other stuff that I won’t list here. I also sent it to a few beta readers. A few of these beta readers actually read it and provided additional commentary.

Yet another valuable gift.

So what am I feeling now?

Inspired. . .

  • To address those gaps I noticed, but didn’t fill.
  • To provide additional layers that add, rather than detract from, the story.
  • To add spackling paste, putty, and a bit of poured cement to fill those holes.
  • To reroute the electric and plumbing.
  • To bring in a team of experts to make sure the foundation is sound.

After all of the above, I know Walks-With-Two-Spirits will attain an entirely new level! Writing is, after all, about revision and re-envisioning.

Once upon a time when I only had a few publishing credits, an oh-so-very-wise mentor of mine said that every rejection was a learning experience, and that it would bring me closer to an acceptance. Not only do I know this to be true, but I have also shared this bit of wisdom with other writers, some of whom I have personally encouraged to take their poem, short story, novel or article to a new level.

And yes, some of whose work I have rejected as well.

As said publisher reminded me, “this is just the opinion of one person. . .” I have said the same to other writers.

The further you progress as a writer, know this – that you can – and will –  create a circle of people whose opinion you respect and value. Listen to them, as chances are, they are spot on!

So, I will revisit Walks-With-Two-Spirits and imagine that someone else wrote it, and that I am their dedicated editor who wants them – and their novel – to be the best that they can be.

While I am engaged in said revision, if there’s anyone out there who would like to be a beta reader, please let me know. Meanwhile, I will reign in that Muse of mine, who has been hanging out at the Boortean Embassy’s Star Gazer Cafe drinking way-too-many Black Holes and consuming their weight (and beyond, since we’re being honest) in Asteroidal Chews!


From the desk of The Boortean Ambassador – Today’s Literary Salon

Greetings Friends of Boort!

Today is the first ever Boortean Embassy Literary Salon, and I’m really exited about spending some time with you and discussing your fictional universes and other topics of interest. All I need is for you to send me your email, and I will add you to the invitation link. If you have any questions about drabbles or whatnot, bring them with you!

I still have room at the embassy for more guests, so here are the particulars:

Time: Sunday, July 13, from 2:00-3:00pm (PST)

Place: The Boortean Embassy via

Sozar to you!

Humbly Yours,

The Boortean Ambassador to Haura

Terrie Leigh Relf

How Much Would You Pay for. . .

a workshop with yours truly?

For those of you who already know or have worked with me, you know about the Relf Hour. What’s the Relf Hour, you ask? It’s this. . .

  • More than a standard 60-minute hour
  • Includes follow-up emails, calls and/or sessions
  • Includes other goodies like how to market for your success

My next question is this. . .

What would you expect to experience with one of my workshops? Or in other words, what do you want in return?

I want to offer workshops that will take you to the next level, that will facilitate your process, and that will guide you to manifesting your dreams.

Please share your thoughts so that I may create a personalized workshop just for you.


The Boortean Embassy’s First Sunday Literary Salon!

A Dear Friend of Boort has encouraged me yet again, and YT has decided to host an ongoing Sunday Salon at the Boortean Embassy. The first one will be this Sunday, July 13th, from 2:00pm-3:00pm Pacific Standard Time (The Embassy is currently in geosynchronous orbit with San Diego, CA).
All you have to do is contact The Embassy at to be placed on a list. Since The Embassy’s account can only accommodate a total of 25 Friends of Boort at a time, it will be, as the Haurans says, first come, first serve. I am, however, planning to open The Embassy doors at least twice a Hauran month, so if this Sunday doesn’t work with your space-time continuum, then please inform The Embassy staff what days and times are convenient.
If you’d like to attend, The Embassy’s staff will place you on a list, then send you a link a few minutes prior to the salon beginning. You will then be whooshed through the portal to join with like-minded Haurans et al to discuss drabbles and other literary topics of interest. is free for you to use, and is an excellent audio-visual platform. The access download just takes a few minutes.
Your ticket is free for this event!
Humbly Yours,
The Boortean Ambassador to Haura
Terrie Leigh Relf


THE BOORTEAN EMBASSY PRESENTS a July Scifaiku Writing Workshop with Terrie Leigh Relf  AKA The Boortean Ambassador to Haura!

That’s right! It’s July 1 on Haura, and someone is playing with the weather again. The good news is that the breeze, while cool, has a warm undercurrent.

Thank you again to my Trusted Advisor, and a Dear Friend of Boort, who encouraged me to engage the time-folding machine for the upcoming July and August workshops!


(Important Note: Please to adjust coordinates for your unique space-time continuum.)

Scifaiku & Related Forms

Saturday, July 26, from 12:00pm-3:00pm (PST)

Re-Visioning Strategies for Writers

Saturday, August 23, from 12:00pm-3:00pm (PST)

The workshops will be held via, a most excellent audio-visual platform with free download. All you have to do is click on the link, and you will be whooshed through the portal faster than you can spell SOZAR! (Okay, maybe not that fast.)

The cost for each workshop (payable in advance via is $150.00 per three-hour workshop. Since my standard coaching fee is $150.00 per hour, you’re saving $300.00! Sozar to you! Bring two friends and your workshop is free!

What’s more, when you sign up and prepay for both workshops by the 15th of the month, The Embassy will grant you a private coaching session at no extra charge!

What are you waiting for? Space is limited to ten people, so reserve your spot now. Contact The Embassy at 269-0706, or visit

Well-behaved Muses are welcome. If you’d rather come alone, you can send your Muse on vacation. (Note: So sorry to disappoint, but bringing two Muses—no matter what their planet of origin—doesn’t apply for the promotional prices.)