What Makes YOUR Writing Real?

This morning, a writer friend sent me a brief note. Basically, she said that it’s difficult for some people to put their writing down on paper as that makes it real.

I really paused over that statement, as it definitely resonates with me and no doubt others – and for multiple reasons. Here are just a few of those reasons:

Before we write them down, our poems and stories, novels and screen plays, are played on our inner screens – and in full color, complete with surround sound and all the other accoutrements of our personal creative studio – including sensations. We can create and recreate our tales with a thought. Edit with our eyes closed or askance. We can experience emotions and sensations moving through us like a wave at high tide or a ripple in a pond.

If we can do all that without writing it down, it makes sense that someone may not want to do so. After all, what if it doesn’t translate from our body-mind to the page in the same way we experience it? What if, once we transfer it to the page, it’s not the same story? What if it no longer feels real once on the page?

There are so many dimensions that can reveal themselves with the stroke of a key, the arc of a pen on paper. As writers, we want to share a story. We do this by revealing truths, sharing triumphant adventures, and exploring our own minds as well as the minds of others. These are all integral aspects of the writing process, and we each handle them in a unique way.

What makes your writing real, and how do you transfer it from your mind to the page?




Topics of Interest for YOU!

I’ve been writing a series of blog posts that will eventually become longer articles – or chapters – in my fiction writing handbook-in-process, tentatively titled, The Fiction Writer’s Handbook – and Beyond, a spin-off of The Poet’s Workshop – and BeyondWhile I always have several ideas up my sleeve (or being juggled in my tentacles!),  I would love to hear what you want to read about!

Feel free to email me privately at tlrelf@gmail.com, post requests at my FaceBook page, or use the comment box below!

Thank you!

What’s happening THIS SATURDAY?

You’re taking one step closer to fulfilling your writing goals!

Here’s how. . .

At 1:00pm (PST) Saturday, May 10, bring your ideas and imagination, your characters and plots, your drafts and your “almost there’s” to a creative writing workshop with like-minded writers!

That’s right!

From 1:00pm-3:00pm (PST), on Saturday, May 10, 17, 24 & 31, you’ll be participating in a creative writing workshop with YT through Zoom.us!

For $150.00 you’ll receive more than eight hours of workshop time, and. . .

  • Professional level guidance by yours truly.
  • Constructive feedback from class participants.
  • Guided discussion on genre-specific fiction.
  • Editing and revision strategies to hone your prose.
  • Exercises to expand your creativity.
  • Communication tips for making friends with your internal editor.
  • Techniques for dispelling writer’s block.
  • Creating behavior patterns for success.

What else you’ll receive. . .

  • Individual contact from me between classes at no extra charge.
  • Genre specific market tips and supplemental materials.
  • Discounts on future classes and coaching services.
  • And more – including fun!

Bring two friends, and your class is free! Pay safely and securely through paypal.com.

Reserve your spot NOW! Contact me at 619-269-0706 (PST) or tlrelf@gmail.com.

Please feel free to share this notice with others!


Write a Character Profile. . .

Writing character profiles is fun. They’re like dossiers with top secret information just waiting for plots and subplots to be revealed.

Or maybe they’re like an ancient scroll hidden in a ceramic jar or a ships log wedged between two rocks in a subterranean vault or a diary hidden inside a false wall or a. . .

You’ve got the idea!

What? Your characters all have profiles? You’ve certainly been busy. Okay, do this – Think about a character you’ve always wanted to write about. You know the one. You see he/she/it deftly handling mounds of luggage at the airport. Who are they and where are they going?

Or perhaps they’re driving up to a resort for the weekend. . .

Or they just landed on your front lawn or roof. . .

Or. . .

You’ve got the idea! Now write another one and another one and another one!


Or. . .

Overwhelmed by Writing Deadlines? Here’s How to Create a Life Line. . .

Feeling overwhelmed is an unpleasant experience. Wouldn’t you rather have a pleasant experience?

That’s right. . .Whether your writing deadlines are editor, publisher, employer, teacher or self-imposed, you can create a system that works for you.

“How?” you ask.

Here’s one of many ways to do it. . .

The next time you feel overwhelmed, take a break and check in with your feelings. Ask yourself what and how you’d rather feel. . .

Embrace that positive feeling. Visualize yourself in total control of the writing situation. Be sure to breathe in-and-out, feeling calm and centered, confident and competent. See, hear, and feel yourself with the task completed before it’s due.

This is how you create a LIFELINE!

It feels good to enjoy the process. 

It also feels good to. . .share your techniques with others, so please post in the comments below!