The Kinder Muse Newsletter – The Writes of Spring!

Welcome to the Museletter for Spring 2017! One of my favorite pieces of music of all times is Stravinsky’s “Rite of Spring,” and I couldn’t resist including that homophone . . . Here’s the link to listen to the music while you’re reading this Museletter:

There’s been a lot going on at the embassy since the last newsletter, so this may be a LONG one. First of all, here’s an article by our favorite guest contributor:

In the Beginning . . .
Tyree Campbell

Violence is the leitmotif of the Universe(s).  Just ask a supernova, the source of all those wonderful atoms that make up anything more massive than helium—including the Earth, and you.  Violence can be seen in the raging splendor of colliding galaxies (e.g., the Mice, aka NGC 4676) and in the quiet ferocity of a distant erupting volcano (say, Mauna Loa).
It should not surprise us then that violence finds its way into our methods of artistic expression, i.e., what can be lumped together as “media.”  In this series of articles I will examine violence in all its creative and destructive nuances; this, hopefully, will bring us full circle back to the opening sentence here.
Thus far I have cited examples of real violence.  Those galaxies are in fact colliding; lava is at present flowing in rivulets from the mouth of that volcano.  For that matter, somewhere on the savannahs of Kenya, a leopard is doing violence to a warthog—or perhaps vice-versa.  In Antarctica, an iceberg is calving from a great glacier, and waves of water from the splash overwhelm everything in their paths, including penguins.  These events occur.
In humanity’s earliest forms of “media,” artistic expression meant the depiction of real events.  On the walls of Lascaux and other caves in southern France, we find recordings of hunts of mammoths and reindeer.  These events occurred.  Hunters went out and jabbed, stabbed, and slew what they wanted to eat.  Sometimes, the hunted jabbed back.  Perhaps these cave paintings may be likened to what we used to refer to as a “newsreel.”
This just in:  woolly rhinoceros slain.  Painting at 11.
At some point—we’re not sure when—a bit of surrealism was added to the painting.  It might have come about through the inclusion of ritual; if the right god were bribed or otherwise placated, it would assure the success of the hunt.  If the hunt were unsuccessful, it might indicate that the bribe or offering was insufficient, or that the wrong deity had been approached.  Perhaps the food was improperly prepared, or at the time of the tribal offering a woman was “unclean.”  A measure of uncertainty was added to the mix.
A measure of fiction.
It was obviously important to get the fiction right.  But how?  Well, artists are artists.  But they needed someone to direct traffic:  thus arose the shaman.
No one had ever seen a god, but the shaman knew what one (or more) looked like.  Artistic depiction—“media”—began to adapt to the new circumstances.  In Australia, for example, the aborigines specialized in rock paintings—some of which were not merely supernatural, but otherworldly.  Yes, these folks were primitive, but it has been pretty much established that the figures they described originated in their “dreamtime.”  As reality, some of the images are bizarre and weird; as fiction, however, they have continuity, and in terms of “dreamtime” they make a lot of sense.  Lest you dismiss these images as primitive and ignorant, I have two words for you:  Dali, and Picasso.  Plus ça change . . .
So I have arrived at a rudimentary equation:  depiction plus fiction equals . . . hmm.  Well, that’s what we hope to find out in this series of articles.
Until next time, keep those spikes down when you slide into second.

(Note: Apologies from YT for the formatting. It wouldn’t revert . . .)



I’ll be there, and am so honored and excited to be serving on two panels! Please stop by and say, “Hello!”



Looking for some motivation? Need to be held accountable to your writing and publishing goals? Have questions about style, point-of-view or how to write a query letter? Each weekly complimentary coaching call focuses on these and other writerly issues.

Here are the particulars:

WHO: Poets, fiction writers, non-fiction writers et al.

WHAT: Free weekly coaching calls for writers with YT, a certified Master NLP & Hypnotherapy Integrative Life Coach.

WHEN: Every Wednesday from 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. (PDT).

HOW: Just dial into! The number: 712.775.7031; the pin: 428380# (NO DASH!)

Questions? Comments? Topic requests? Please email me or send a message from my site . . .



WHO: Published and yet-to-be-published writers, poets, fiction and non-fiction writers, editors, copywriters, and content providers, indie publishers et al. Whether you’re a local OBcean, live in San Diego at large, or are “just visiting” the area, you are welcome to join us.

WHAT: The Ocean Beach Writers Networking group for serious professional writers.

WHERE: Te Mana Cafe  on Voltaire, between Cable and Bacon in Ocean Beach.

WHEN: Each and every Thursday, from 11:30p.m. – 12:30p.m. (weather conditions willing).

WHY: To connect, share resources, referrals – and more!

HOW: Just go to FaceBook and click  “join” on the Ocean Beach Writers Networking Group and/or email me at  to be placed on the weekly newsletter list.

Please be sure to thank Te Mana’s owners, Marguerite and Jason, for welcoming us. Check out this awesome menu as well as their new beer-on-tap, decadent Mimosas et al. Show your appreciation for the inimitable, cheerful and dedicated staff by tipping often and generously.



Would love to hear about your projects – and successes! Send me updates at the email below and I will give you a shout-out, too!

My friend, writer/producer Diana Ippolito, has an Indiegogo project in the works. Check out this wonderfully-disturbing peek into what she’s doing, and please support her project!


And yes, the current drabble winners and next drabble contest themes (yes, themes, as in two parallel contests!):



It’s been rather quiet around this regular feature. So, if you’d like to share your wisdom, sound your shofar, or just go off on a tangent, please contact me via this link:

Still listening to the Stravinsky? Hope you’re enjoying it! Here’s to your spring writes – and rites!

Until Next Time,

I remain . . .

Humbly Yours,

The Kinder Muse
Terrie Leigh Relf

P.S. Contact me to learn about my spring coaching specials!