An Interview with Artist, Poet and Novelist, Sandy DeLuca

Face on a Subway Door by Sandy DeLuca

“Face on a Subway Door” by Sandy DeLuca

I’ve known Sandy for several years now, and have had the great fortune to work with her – and Marge Simon – on a collection of poetry, The Intergalactic Cookbook!  Without further ado, here is a glimpse inside her mind and life:

Terrie Leigh Relf: What are your daily writing/creative rituals? How do you prepare your space for these activities?

Sandy DeLuca: In early morning, I read and do research for current and future projects. Then I work every day, sometimes for eight-to-ten hours. I often split my day between writing and painting, spending late morning downstairs in my office writing, and then the afternoon painting. Other times, I shift back and forth throughout the day.

If I get “blocked” on a novel, then I’ll take some time to paint, write a poem or research another subject. My home is an odd place filled with overflowing bookcases, paintings, an art studio, and five cat companions; all are inspiring and keep me quite busy.

TLR: Do you have a “day job” in addition to being a writer/artist? If so, what (if any) challenges do you face? How do you rise to those challenges?

SD: I worked in Corporate Banking for many years, and I retired four years ago. I now spend my days writing, painting, reading, and researching.

My biggest challenge is finding solitude and the time to complete all of my creative projects. I’ve had to tell friends not to call or come by unannounced, and I’ve asked them to try to understand that I am happiest when I am working on my art and writing.

TLR: Describe a recent writing/creative session in detail. How long was it? What activities did you perform? What did you accomplish, and so forth?

SD: I just completed a novel called Midnight Town, a supernatural tale blended with Afro-Caribbean beliefs. It is around 65,000 words. It took me approximately eight months to complete. Prior to writing the novel, I did extensive research on Afro- Caribbean religions and cultures. When I’m writing, I tend to base my large paintings on the same themes as my fiction, so also I’ve began a collection of paintings based on the same subject matter.

I also juggled several collaborations with Marge Simon during the same period. My art will be beside her beautiful poetry in the near future. It’s fun to conjure a piece of art in between other projects, and then wait. . .and that waiting is always worth it, because Marge always comes up with a brilliant poem to match my art.

TLR: What tips do you have for other writers/artists? This could be anything from a time-management strategy to an inspirational quote.

SD: I like to tell other artists and writers to follow their hearts. Don’t write or paint something because it’s in vogue, or because everyone else is making money from similar themes or styles. You’ve got to speak with your own voice, and tell your own story, whether it’s with words, paint, or any other medium.

TLR: Is there anything else about your creative process that you would like to share?

SD: I crave a lot of alone time. I don’t like parties or social gatherings, and cringe when I have to leave my home. I’m an eternal introvert. I believe that quirkiness has a lot to do with my huge body of art and my writing.

TLR: What about some accolades or upcoming shows or publications?

SD: I have a novella called Lupo Mannaro coming out from Terradan Press this year and the project with Marge from Eldritch Press. Here’s a link with the announcement:

TLR: Thank you so much for creating the time to share your creative self with us! For those of you reading, be sure to visit Ms. DeLuca’s websites:






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  1. Bibliography – Sandy DeLuca
  2. Bibliography – Sandy DeLuca

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