A Day in the Life Presents Science Fiction Horror Author, Debby Feo – With 2020 Updates!

Photo courtesy of the author.


Terrie Leigh Relf: What types and forms of writing do you do? 
Debby Feo: I write SciFi, children’s, and vampire books, poems, and short stories.
Terrie Leigh Relf: What is your area(s) of subject matter expertise? How did you discover this niche? What intrigues you about it?

Debby Feo: For my first four vampire novels, I did research on the time period that I wanted the characters to be in.  For SciFi novels, I do research on planets, moons, and inventions that exist, then I make up the rest myself.  My children’s poetry books are based on my experiences growing up.


Terrie Leigh Relf: How do you balance your creative and work time?
Debby Feo: I am fortunate to be a housewife, so can arrange my own schedule.  My best work,
the writing that needs the least revision, is done in the early morning hours.
Terrie Leigh Relf: What tips do you have for other writers?
Debby Feo: Write down any ideas you get, as you get them, and don’t worry about grammar
and “going in order.” If a chapter is floundering, come back to it later.
Terrie Leigh Relf: What are your thoughts on the creative process in general and your creative process in particular? Where do your ideas come from? What inspires and intrigues you? 
Debby Feo: Not trying to brag, but I’ve got a great imagination.  I’ve been writing poems since high school (the early Seventies). Sometimes, the characters in my books have a lot of me in them. My book of “sad” poems, On the Edge, is non-fiction. In college,
I majored in both Psychology and Sociology, as I’ve always been interested in the motives for behavior.
Terrie Leigh Relf: Where have you been published? Upcoming publications? Awards and other accolades?
Debby Feo: Here is a list that contains much of my work:
  • Hiraeth Publishing: Meet the Mercusons, and many short stories and poems
  • Alban Lake Publishing: Vampire series, Titan books, Stories For a Starry Night, many short stories and poems
  • Nomadic Delirium Press: The Divided States of America, A Poet Explores the Stars
  • Sam’s Dot Publishing: Many short stories and poems
  • “Star*Line” (Published by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association): Many scifaiku and other types of poems
Magazines/anthologies include: Star*Line, A Poet Explores the Stars, The Martian Wave, Tales From a Moonlit Path, The Fifth Dimension, Suddenly Cows, Outposts of Beyond, Illumen, Beyond Centauri, Hungur, Cosmic Crime Stories, Spaceports and Spidersilk, Bloodbond, Aoife’s Kiss, Scifaikuest, Shelter of Daylight, The Drabbler, Drabble Harvest, Mini Antholgy, Frostfire Worlds, and The Divided States of America. 
Awards and Special Publications: 
Nominated for a 2019 Rhysling Award for “Collie Dogs In Space” (from “A Poet Explores the Stars”)
Special edition of “Frostfire Worlds Presents Debby Feo”
Upcoming Publications: The Rhysling Anthology

Photo courtesy of the author.

 Terrie Leigh Relf: What are you working on now? 
Debby Feo: I’ve got a book called “Mellie’s Diaries” in progress. It’s about a young vampire whose family has a vacation home in Sorrento, Italy, overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. (This will be published by Hiraeth Publishing.) I’m working on follow-up short stories to my two “Titan” books: “Saturnial School Scenes” and “The Caves of Titan.”

I’m looking for print publishers for several of my poetry books for children, which I self-published (Smashwords): Herman’s Store (the sequel to Grandpa’s Chair, Amazon), Tails From the ‘Hood, Bee Bits, and Grandpa Goes To Florida (currently in a chapbook contest).

Terrie Leigh Relf: What challenges have you faced as a writer and/or with a particular project? 

Debby Feo: Without an agent, it’s hard to get noticed, so I have several Facebook pages: “Grandpa’s Chair Pictures,” “Vampires, SciFi, and Grandpa’s Chair,” and several Goodreads pages: My Author’s Page, “Debby Feo’s Vampires,” and “Bee Bits.”  I’m also on Twitter @DebbyFeo.

I have a special Facebook page for my “Students of the Galileo Interplanetary School” for the students, faculty, staff, and indigenous people of Saturn’s moon, Titan.

Terrie Leigh Relf: Are you currently a writing mentor? If so, what are your thoughts on mentoring?
Debby Feo: I’m always trying to encourage other writers on Twitter.  I also have encouraged several friends to get their poems/words published. By the way, Terrie, I will always be grateful to you for encouraging me to write my first Vampire book. (Terrie was the editor of the former Hungur magazine, where I published my first vampire short story.)
Terrie Leigh Relf: Thank you, Debby. It’s always awesome to work with talented writers. So, who are your favorite characters? How did they come into being, and what do you love – or loathe – about them?
Debby Feo: My vampire, Gaius, is my favorite character.  There’s a lot of me in him.
Terrie Leigh Relf:  What poetry forms do you write in? What is it that you love about these forms?
Debby Feo: Many of my children’s poems rhyme.  My other poems don’t usually.  I’ve also tried scifaiku, vampaiku (I made this word up.), and haibun.  I have not tried many formal types of poems, as they seem too forced, at least for me.
Terrie Leigh Relf: Are you currently, or have you ever, been in a writing group? Your thoughts? 
Debby Feo: I went to a couple of meetings once, back when I was only writing poems. I don’t  even  remember where, but that’s all.  I’d rather people read my poems than recite them.
Terrie Leigh Relf: I know our readers would love to hear about your networking, marketing, and promotional experiences – including tips.
Debby Feo: I spend more time writing than promoting, but I do have an Author’s Page and a “Bee Bits” page on Goodreads. I have a Twitter account @DebbyFeo, and a Facebook page called “Grandpa’s Chair Pictures.”  I also have biography pages on
Amazon (Grandpa’s Chair and Kindle books), and on Smashwords.
Terrie Leigh Relf: Anything else you’d like to add that I haven’t asked? 
Debby Feo: All of my poems, stories, and books about my vampire, Gaius, and his family, have been collected into one book: A Vow of Blood Collection.
My dream is to have a movie made of one of my books, so that I can support my husband, for a change.
Terrie Leigh Relf: Here’s to bringing that into being! Thank you for creating the time for this interview. Be sure to visit all of Debby’s pages! Check out the bookshelf with all of her publications below!
Goodreads Author’s Page: