Calls for Submission!

Hi everyone!

I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted here. No excuses . . . That said, I wanted to let you know about a few open calls where I’m the editor:

Hiraeth Publishing’s Drabble Contest

Hiraeth Publishing’s Hungur Chronicles

Tales from the Moonlit Path’s Fiendish Father’s Day

Please read our guidelines over and email me if you have any questions.

Happy writing!

The New Drabble Contest Begins on August 1, 2021

Greetings Spacefarers!

Ready to travel through time? Check out our new guidelines – and remember that you can send as many submissions as you like as long as they’re in separate emails.

Remember to check out all of our other submission calls, and please stop by our store!

Looking forward to hearing about your journeys!

Happy Writing!

Your humble ambassador . . .

Submission Call: The Hungur Chronicles

Hi Everyone:

Remember Hungur Magazine? We’re back with The Hungur Chronicles, edited by YT and Robert Bellam, my co-editor! We’re really looking forward to reading your vampire fiction and poetry as well as black-and-white illustrations. Just follow this link to read our detailed guidelines:

Remember to review our other guidelines and stop by our bookstore, too!

Hiraeth Publishing’s New Drabble Contest!

Greetings Haurans and Friends of Boort:

I’m currently fine-tuning the “Don’t Pull That Cord!” drabble contest, which “should” be available on (or around) April 1st. We Boorteans understand that April 1 is also referred to as April Fool’s Day, and jokes, pranks, and whatnot abound. This is no joke . . . That said, given everyone’s trans-galactic coordinates, alternate timelines (and yes! Sozar to the hard work of Hauran Postal Services et al), and other issues that may arise, we hope that everything will flow smoothly – and thank you for your patience . . .

While you wait, check out our new drabble contest! There are other submission calls as well, so create time to inspire yourself and find a new market for your work! There’s also much to read, and Boortean (as well as Hauran) studies show that reading is not only an enjoyable activity, it can also be a portal to another universe!

Then there’s the matter of reading makes us better – Period!

Humbly Yours,

The Boortean Ambassador

Sozar! “It feels like drowning . . .” was nominated for a Rhysling Award!

I’m thrilled and honored that my poem, “It feels like drowning . . .” was nominated for a Rhysling Award! The poem was first published in the HWA Poetry Showcase VII. I was also thrilled and honored by that acceptance. Thank you to all the awesome editors as well as whomever nominated my poem. Looking forward to reading all of the nominees in the upcoming collection.

Tales from the Moonlit Path’s Valentine’s Day Issue Is Up!

Hi Everyone:

Happy Valentine’s Day! Thank you again to everyone who submitted their work, and here’s the link for the poetry section. Once again, our love and gratitude knows no bounds!

Enjoy all the stories and other features until next time’s call. Yes! You’re right! We will definitely be having another Demented Mother’s Day Issue – so get started crafting those wonderfully horrific and frightening tales of mothers past, present, and future!

Until Next Time,

Terrie Leigh Relf

Poetry Editor

Tales from the Moonlit Path

Submissions to Hiraeth Publishing’s Third Drabble Contest Close on the 31st of January!

Greetings Drabble Writers and Would-Be Drabble Writers!

I just wanted to remind you that you have eight more days to submit your entries. Remember that you can submit as many as you like as long as they’re in separate emails. It’s also important to provide a specific subject line so your entries aren’t lost in the space-time continuum! Here are the guidelines . . .

Looking forward to reading your work!

Humbly Yours,

The Boortean Ambassador

Hiraeth Publishing’s Third Drabble Contest

Your humble ambassador hopes that you are all enjoying this holiday season! While you take a break from cookie baking and package wrapping, why not grab a beverage of your choice, charge up that laptop, and write a few drabbles?! Sozar!

Here’s the link:

Remember to review all of our other submission calls and that books are a gift that keeps on giving!

Until next time, be well and take care of yourself and others!

Tales From the Moonlit Path’s Halloween Issue!

Thank you to all of the poets who submitted to our Halloween 2020 issue! We really appreciate your continued support. The issue will be posted by Halloween for your reading pleasure, so while you’re waiting for your Trick-or-Treats, check out the current issue.

Yours along the moonlit path . . .

Terrie Leigh Relf

Stay Tuned for Hiraeth Publishing’s Next Drabble Contest

Thank you to everyone who submitted to the Diplomatic Immunity for Extra-Terrestrial Visitors drabble contest! The Embassy staff is reading the submissions now, and the winners will be posted in our November 2020 newsletter along with the next contest theme. Meanwhile, check out the current newsletter and keep writing drabbles!

Humbly Yours,

The Boortean Ambassador to Haura